Through the years that I have practiced as a dental hygienist, the epidemic of airway health issues became so apparent, that I decided to investigate ways I could positively impact and create changes that would help my patients.
As a parent, my three children have shown symptoms of airway health problems in varying degrees, this lead me to seek solutions that incorporated conventional methods of medical and dental interventions. Once I began to look at their issues in a functional view, it became clear that I could have an influence on their outcomes with treatment modalities that addressed the root cause of their problems, these were all intricately related to the way they were breathing. This was such a lightbulb moment, that I have not looked back since, if I could help my children achieve their best potential, I could help others that seek answers to their airway problems that were not addressed by mainstream medicine.
Functional airway health has become my passion.
- Heidy Delfosse, Founder
Myo: Latin word stem pertaining to muscle.
Logica: In honour of my Spanish speaking background, the word meaning logic.
MyoLogica Stands for the logical connection the head and neck muscles have with the entire body, and their effect on body functions.
Orofacial: Related to the mouth and face.
Myofunctional Therapy: Restoring correct function of muscles through re-training muscle therapy.
MyoLogica OMT was born out of a desire to improve people’s lives.
After decades of clinical experience as a dental hygienist, it was time to expand my acquired skills and put them into practice in an interactive way, without the limitations of the setting of clinical dental practice.
Curiosity and continuing education, have led me in this path to promote wellness and health improvement by providing a comprehensive service, that will positively impact people’s lives. We often hear “the eyes are the windows of the soul” I have come to understand that the mouth provides us a view into the health of our whole body.

Healthy breathing is the aim
I am dedicated to improving wellness by identifying airway issues in children. Early interventions are key to prevent the detrimental effects of improper breathing.
Being able to identify narrow palates, tongue ties and teeth crowding as early as possible can make a huge difference in treatment modalities. Helping to eradicate habits that lead to palatal malformation such as thumb sucking, nail biting, extended attachment to pacifiers are also best treated early.
Adults with airway issues such as snoring and sleep apnea, jaw joint issues causing tension headaches (and more!) can also improve their health by undertaking a orofacial myology program.
OMT can help with strengthening weakened orofacial musculature caused by mouth breathing, which can affect dental health by causing and array of issues such as dry mouth, gingivitis, increased buildup of tartar and likelihood of increasing risk of gum disease. Poor breathing has been linked to a huge number of chronic diseases due to the reduction of oxygen to the brain and vital organs.
The four goals of OMT are:
Establish nasal breathing
Restore adequate lip seal
Create proper tongue posture
Correct swallowing pattern

Making the whole body connection for better health outcomes
As an orofacial myologist, I aim to grow relationships with an array of skilled airway conscious health practitioners. ENT’s, dentists, orthodontists, chiropractors and osteopaths to name a few, an integrative approach can have a significant impact in achieving these wellness and health goals.
Functional dentistry and medicine is the way to go forward to improve overall health and wellbeing, the holistic approach based on solid, science-based therapeutic interventions will ensure the health of future generations.
The human body isn’t made up of separate compartments, we are a wonderful network of intricately connected systems and likewise, the health professionals treating you and your family should be aiming to work together to help you achieve optimal health outcomes.